02 May 2006

And Thankfully, No Black Eyed Peas Cover Of "Can You Read My Mind"...

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who 'get' the advance teaser for Bryan Singer's upcoming "Superman Returns", and those who don't. If you're in the latter camp--good god people, how can you not feel a frisson of wonder upon hearing Brando's narration over Williams' "Krypton" theme, punctuated by quick glimpses of a century's worth of Superman iconography (the "s" curl, the Kent mailbox, the blur of red and blue)? Well, today you get another chance to get with the program: a second official trailer has been released, this one giving us a bit more of a sense of the film's plot, tone, and character dynamic, and above all, a chance to hear Brandon Routh speak (he looks and sounds more than a little like Tom Cruise circa "All The Right Moves"). The production design has a nice "Sky Captain"/art-deco feel to it, and the flying scenes fulfill their promise. Now all that's needed is an actual story worthy of the character. Singer has shown us twice before that he knows what he's doing with this sort of material (his "X-Men" entries, 'natch)--so I've got a good feeling the Man Of Steel is in good hands...

Behold, the Last Son Of Krypton here.